Implications of E=mc2

(I no longer see as much value in the following theory, but it has its place within the context of the travelogue).

Written as m=E/c2, it would read “mass is bounded energy”. If free energy desires to propagate at the speed light, then bounding the movement of this energy will cease its velocity in all directions, hence the division by c2.

Imagine that a quantum of energy were speeding along on an elastic medium; you stop this energy with the point of your finger and push it into the fabric, “pinching off” the neck of the bubble in which it resides. Because fabric must be gathered up to create the bubble, it stretches the fabric outside the neck of the bubble.

If that fabric is space-time, the neck of the bubble is a very small event horizon, and the bubble itself a microverse in which the energy is free to propagate at light speed, but within an “infinite yet bounded” subdomain. The stretching of space-time to create the microverse leads to warpage in the immediate vicinity of the event horizon.

We can compute the size of the microverse from the degree of distortion of space-time (which is related to the energy involved), and the modulus of elasticity of space-time: [equation here]

It will be seen that this also describes a black hole, so that the words “particle” and “micro-black hole” will be used interchangeably.

The event horizon of this micro-black hole is incredibly small, and I think that it does not grow because its distortion of space-time is so slight that other energy is not attracted to it. If, however, a particle could be held still, and energy aimed directly at its tiny event horizon, the energy would be drawn in and the mass of the particle would increase.

As two particles approach each other, they will compete for space-time, to stretch to provide the fabric of their microverses. This will lead to the two particles seeming to pull on each other, hence the effect of gravitation. From this, it follows that the constant of gravitation is related to the elasticity of space-time and the current geometry of the universe: [equation here]

As two event horizons draw nearer, a moment is reached when they will mutually distort to from a “bridge” between them, and the energy they contain will flow along this bridge. It is possible that the exact center of this bridge is not steep enough to hold the energy, and it would then escape. If there is sufficient energy in the two black holes, and they are in orbit around each other at the right distance and velocity, then the contained energy of both would slowly leak out, projecting a plane that sweeps around in a circle as the black holes rotate. This would be a black hole pulsar.

What causes energy to become trapped in a knot of space-time, I do not know. Perhaps at the time of the universe’s beginning, space-time was disrupted, and being a flexible medium these disruptions propagated violently throughout it. The course of these disruptions left behind eddies in which energy became trapped. These fundamental particles sometimes merged, creating larger particles. And thus hydrogen was eventually formed out of what was originally a sea of energy.

In this way, black holes are nature’s original battery; space-time eddies converted (or still convert) energy into mass – bounded or trapped energy – and black hole pulsars convert their mass back into energy by releasing it.

When a particle nears a larger black hole, it will get close enough that its event horizon will be torn open, and the energy will pass along the resulting space-time bridge into the larger black hole. If the size disparity is great enough (and I presume this could be represented as an equation), then the energy will not escape, and the energy will simply be added to the larger black hole. From this it follows that a black hole, while representing a quantity of mass to the outside universe – it is, in fact, a gigantic particle – does not contain mass. A black hole contains only energy.

Further, although the space-time surrounding an event horizon is warped according to the amount gathered into the black hole to provide a microverse for the contained energy, this microverse itself is not necessary warped at all. It’s geometry could probably be calculated. Can it “pinch off” to create a secondary universe? If so, the black hole would be seen suddenly to disappear, so I doubt this can happen.

If space-time is elastic in the manner described above, and gravity is merely a phenomenon of competition for resources, then as the universe expands the force of gravity should be seen to increase. Even if it is expanding at an accelerating rate, at some point it will slow down and then begin to “snap back”.

As it snaps back, the growing black holes will merge, trapping all of the energy of the universe into a microverse which is now in fact the universe itself. Perhaps when the last bit of space-time is pulled through the event horizon this causes the fabric to “snap”, producing the expansion and the eddies which result in the universe’s reformation.

What is not explained is exactly why the geometry of a black hole prevents its energy from escaping, without requiring an input of energy to keep it there. I believe it simply cannot find a path out, and propagates at light speed within its microverse. But if space-time is elastic, why it does it not simply relax and allow the energy to escape? Is the knotting geometric? Is there some factor related to the propagation of energy within the microverse that prevents space-time from reclaiming this volume?

The above predicts that we will be able to create artificial black holes, and suggests why there are not larger subatomic particles than the ones we know of. As a particle grows in mass, the likelihood of its capturing passing energy will increase exponentially. At a certain “cut off” size – which could be calculated – the black hole will grow ever faster by drawing free energy and other particles into its event horizon. The type of black holes starts out small and gains size very gradually – at first – unlike the type resulting from stellar implosion.

If tiny black holes were manufactured at a size large enough for mutual attraction, and then induced to spin in pairs, we could regain the energy stored within them, and they would deplete until becoming stable particles once again.