Concerning the appearance of manifest injustice in the world, if I may use the analogy of a garden: When the Gardener first puts a seed into the ground, the seed finds a snug and safe place that provides for all of its needs. It is happy there. As it grows and develops, however, it begins to find the conditions oppressive [...]
Prayer magnetizes the needle of the heart;
and since He is closer to us
than our life’s vein,
no movement is needed,
merely direction
and sanctity of heart.
I think the length of our prayer
should relate to our need for
this refining and alignment.
I don’t think God desires
a mercantile relationship with us,
where count and [...]
I would also propose a non-literal reading of Násút as it refers to the human condition. In those moments when we truly abandon self, when a love for all beings dawns in our hearts and causes us to feel disconnected from time and the immediate space of our bodies – in those moments I believe we taste what our creation [...]
A thought I had this week: We have two deep problems regarding racism in this country: A policy problem, and a love problem. Anti-racism is an effective stance with regard to policy, but it does not move the needle very far on the matter of love: Not just including, but cherishing; not just accepting, but befriending; not just supporting, but [...]
We move forward with alacrity
when it stems from love
of what we’re aiming toward,
rather than anger or dislike
of what we want to get beyond.
The latter makes it real;
the former makes it worthwhile. [...]
A flower is made
to love the sun;
by opening its arms
it discovers
the fulfillment of its being,
becoming radiant
and full of color
through that connection. [...]