There have been times when I scratched the thing I loved most by myself, just to face the craziness head on. I completely sympathize with that feeling: You get a new thing – something which embodies whatever ideals you long for at the moment: sleekness, speed, utility, freedom from the doldrums of life – and reality jumps up and smacks [...]
The truth we know is a concept, a proof that something is well-defined based on what we’re willing to accept. An “apple” is not true, nor does it exist. It’s a name for what you hold in your hand. For example, you may think that the apple occupies a clearly defined space, but our ability to smell is because its [...]
Culturally I was brought up to see myself as an active agent within a largely passive universe: A mechanist view wherein I make decisions and the universe receives those decisions. In this view, when I read that I am “created rich”, I naturally think of that richness as belonging to me, or being an attribute of my own that I [...]
We have been gifted the first glimmerings of a vision of humanity that transcends the differences currently tearing us apart. In everything we do, we can be a beacon of hope toward this vision. Racism needs to end, as does materialism and slavish devotion to image and rank. Dismantling is not enough. People need to know there is something better [...]
Breath deeply. Take a moment to let your eyes close; clear your mind of thoughts best you can; let a feeling of stillness settle upon you. In this space imagine your whole being is like a compass needle, seeking true North. Allow it move freely this way and that. Your guide is the magnetic force of the Divine: the attraction [...]
I think the system of today has meritorious features, but it’s not complete enough for what the future needs. It was designed by and for a simpler age. To give an example of what I mean, using a far simpler scenario than our complex, inter-connected markets: Imagine the only financial system in existence was a world bank that paid a [...]